Social Initiative

Community Development is our Social Responsibly, which is undertaken by a Community Based Organization of Kerith is called ACT. ACT is a registered Voluntary Organization, Established in 2006 by a Group of Professionals in Kerala as a response to the Socio, Economic needs of the people and to create the Right Changes for Self-reliance. Act is registered under Indian Trust Act,1882 vide Reg.No832/06 with its Headquarters in Thrissur, Kerala-India. We as a network of professionals are engaged in various community development initiatives for the upliftment of poor and marginalized people in India. We are empowering the poor and needy, women, youth and Children in India by providing access to various resources and bringing them to the front line of the society.

Since its inception, ACT is engaged in various development activities, which aims at holistic transformation of youth and economically challenged men and women in the society.

Major Activities

 Youth Empowerment

“Earn while you Learn” is a Program introduced among youth as an Income Generation Plans to support their families as well as to find finance for studies and career development.

  • Training on Various Income Generation Activities are organized based on identifying their skills and need of the area they lives.
  • Camps, Conferences Leadership Trainings
  • Awareness Programs on Social Evils like Drugs/Alcohol etc.
  • SAY NO TO DRUGS , Anti-Tobacco Campaigns

Women Empowerment

Education, Health Care supports are provided to the poor and marginalized women in the society.

  • Training on livelihood development
  • Career Oriented Classes etc are conducted to bring them to the front line of the society.

Rural Development

Agriculture, Farming, cottage industries and traditional healthcare, conservation of medicinal plants and its promotions are conducted for Rural Development. Hire Education, Healthcare initiatives are also introduced with the help of Govt. and other agencies for the Development of people in Rural areas.

Sustainable Healthcare Programs

Medical Camps, Conferences, Early Detection of Life Style Deceases etc. are the initiatives under Healthcare Programs.

  • Community Healthcare Programs
  • Counseling and Rehabilitations of HIV/AIDS affected persons and Families.
  • Hospital Care
  • Nursing Care
  • Home Patience Care etc are initiated to support Sick and needy people.

Aarogya Insurance, specially for BPL families are promoted to support their Healthcare and Financial need.

Natural Resource Management

Addressing the need of Managing Natural Resources and facilitating the proper stewardship, make it accessible and Promote its justifiable usage.

  • Conservation of water,
  • Forest
  • Wildlife
  • Medicinal Plants etc. projects are initiated under this project

Human Resource Development

Kerith School of Advanced Studies provides Career Guidance and Counseling Support to the Students and unemployed youths in the society.

  • Career Guidance (after 10/+2/Degree/PG)
  • Career Courses
  • Admission Guidance for Higher Education
  • Personal Development Programs
  • Employment Information
  • Placement Assistance
  • Job Oriented Training etc are Offered

Training on Disaster Management, Relief & Rehabilitation etc are provided to equip the youth to face the challenges.

Cultivating Savings

Creating a Culture of Savings for Tomorrow is the Objective of this Program. Cultivating Savings program introduced among children , women and youths in each families and helping them to come out of the financial debts and to have an allocation for the future requirements

Financial Literacy Programs
Different Topics like

  • Financial Literacy
  • Reducing Family Budget
  • Investing for future etc. will be addressed among their Groups and Motivate them to have a Saving Habit for a better tomorrow

We promote the Community Development through People Participation and an Association with Govt. Non Govt. Systems and Individuals.

You can also associate with our Community Development activities,

Kerith is there to help you for a Social Transformation. Submit your enquiry now, we are at your service always.

Submit your enquiry now, we are at your service always or call us @ 9388230002