Legal Audit

Legal Audit is the process of making sure your company/Individual /Firm follows the Statutory Laws, Regulations, Standards, and ethical practices that is applicable to your organization. Effective Corporate Legal Audit will cover both internal policies/systems and rules and federal and state Laws. Enforcing compliance in corporate policy will help your company prevent and detect violations of rules. Legal Audit Forecast your Risks and can save your organization from fines and lawsuits.
Non-compliance with statutory obligations can result in significant late filing fees for companies, and may even lead to court prosecutions for their directors/managers. We help companies and directors to be compliant with their filing obligations under the various Acts, Rules, regulations and Notifications time to time.
We offers supports to Corporate Institutions and other institutions/Individuals/Firm by addressing EPFO/ESI/Labor/Shop and Establishment/IT &Finance/RBI related Statutory Documentation & Compliances
We conduct the verification exercise of various Acts and Regulations which are either Central Acts or State Acts and are related to either Labour or Finance, or Economic, or are of pure technical in nature for the due diligence of our corporate clients
Kerith Legal Team is also engaged in Legal Audit Services of Institutions, Corporate entities, Experts Panel of Advocates and Professionals will be available for you to conduct Legal Audit of your Company and Help you to regularize / fulfill the compliance to avoid future loss and damages.
This process should be ongoing. Most organizations establish a Legal Audit program to help govern policies and compliance.
Our firm undertakes legal audit for individuals, corporate bodies or government agencies for various reasons.

— Periodic Basis
Legal Audit may be undertaken on a periodic basis as part of an on-going compliance program.

— Specific Event
Legal Audit may be undertaken in connection with a specific event, such as a financial audit or a specific transaction, such as an acquisition or securities offering.

— Specific Areas
There are also specialized legal audits in specific areas, such as tax; labour and employment; estate planning/asset protection; government contracts; franchising compliance; and environmental law.

— Due Diligence
Legal Audit may be undertaken as a simple due diligence process as regards a specific transaction preceding a party signing a contract or making a financial or other commitment.

If you would like to discuss your requirements, Kerith there to help you.
Submit your enquiry now, we are at your service always.